““Kriss has a heart of compassion and a wealth of experience to gather from, but is very professional. She knows her boundaries and that makes her role so much more effective. She is gentle, but firm.” AG
”Kriss was very genuine and discerning. God has used her mightily with all her gifts and talents. She moves with love and sincerity; her heart is huge and it extends through her; to others touching and changing people’s lives. Love her!” JM
”Kriss displays such grace, patience and love in her teaching and when she answers questions and makes her presentation. She shares openly from her own experiences.” JC
”Gentleness, sensitivity to the seeker and the Holy Spirit, boldness to confront lies, patience and peace, humor and humility in being transparent about her life and weaknesses.” JV”
“”Kriss Mitchell is a very faithful and tender counselor. She carefully sought the Lord as we prayed through the events of my life. The Lord used her to lead me to those places where I needed healing. I was amazed at how Kriss was used to take away bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, hatred and other thoughts, emotions and memories that were keeping me in bondage and separated from my heart and my freedom in Christ. Her ability to communicate, as she was led by the Holy Spirit, was quite astounding. Although the issues were very intense, there was peace and order. She made things easy to understand, which made the process easy to follow.” PS We write at this time to recommend Kriss Mitchell in the area of counseling and teaching. We have had first-hand experience with her counseling and we highly recommend her as being called and gifted in this area as well as teaching on any number of topics. Kriss is able to bring an authenticity and maturity whether she is involved in counseling or teaching in a small workshop or a large seminar. She ministers out of the depth of her relationship with the Lord which enables true life-changing ministry to occur. She has demonstrated maturity in character both in her own leadership abilities and in her gifting that makes her easy to recommend for any situation that requires leading, counseling or teaching..... She has our confidence to bring servant leadership to any situation.””
— RS and RS
““Kriss has a kind and tender way of speaking that disarms people immediately and allows them to be drawn into her subject and not into her. She brings a great deal of humor and transparency as she shares, with vulnerability, the process she has experienced at a personal level. She has great knowledge and she brings it to the people in a way that allows them to understand and grasp principles quickly and deeply. Kriss led prayer at the end of her sessions with the group and also on a one-to-one level. Her prayers were direct and they had depth because she listened before she spoke. You could tell she was hitting the mark each time from the response of the people. As Pastors, we pay attention to what is being prayed and how Spirit-led it is. Kriss is right on the mark! Her prayer times showed her leadership skills also. And we want to mention Kriss’s leadership skills. She was prepared and unrushed each time we gathered. Everything she needed was available and she knew what was happening in the group. She easily led the group and easily led the small groups that formed around her at the end of each session. It was healthy. And the fruit of the ministry sessions was excellent. We know because Kriss went home but we stay with the flock. People remembered what she had served them. They remembered how she prayed. They commented on her tender spirit and her kindness and her knowledge. Kriss’s ability to be transparent and show the steps of growth said a great deal about her character and integrity. People could relate to her.””